15.02.10 Lansarea cursului 2957B Advanced Foundations of Microsoft .NET 2.0 Development
Descrierea genetala

Acest curs este o continuare a cursului 2956B Core Foundations of Microsoft .NET 2.0 Development

Cursul contine urmatoarele module:
Modul 1: Enhancing User Interfaces by Using System.Drawing.
Modul 2: Working with Cultures by Using Sistem.Globalization.
Modul 3: Processing Text by Using Regular Expressions and Encodings.
Modul 4: Encrypting and Hashing Data by Using Cryptography.
Modul 5: Securing Code Execution and Resources.
Modul 6: Application Interoperability.
Modul 7: Reflection, Metadata and Emitting Objects.
Modul 8: Services, Threading and Application Domains.

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